Our Core Beliefs

The Free Order Fellowship is built on the foundational belief that personal liberty, voluntary association, and the pursuit of knowledge are the highest virtues. It stands as a sanctuary for those who reject coercion, embrace self-determination, and seek truth beyond dogma. Rooted in the principles of Anarcho-Libertarianism and an agnostic perspective, the Fellowship acknowledges the inherent autonomy of the individual while fostering a community of mutual respect and intellectual exploration.

Autonomy is Sacred

Every individual possesses the sovereign right to govern themselves, free from coercion or external imposition. The Fellowship upholds self-ownership as an absolute, rejecting any system that seeks to dominate or control an individual’s body, mind, or spirit.

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Voluntaryism and Mutual Respect

Every individual possesses the sovereign right to govern themselves, free from coercion or external imposition. The Fellowship upholds self-ownership as an absolute, rejecting any system that seeks to dominate or control an individual’s body, mind, or spirit.

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The Pursuit of Knowledge Over Dogma

Truth is an ever-evolving concept, and no single institution, doctrine, or individual holds a monopoly on it. The Fellowship encourages intellectual curiosity, skepticism, and critical thinking. Dogmatic belief is replaced with an ongoing search for understanding, embracing both empirical evidence and philosophical inquiry.

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Decentralization in All Things

Power corrupts when concentrated. Whether in governance, economics, or belief systems, decentralization is essential to preserve freedom and prevent authoritarian control. The Fellowship does not recognize a central authority beyond the sovereignty of the individual, advocating instead for decentralized, voluntary communities.

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The Right to Reject and the Right to Believe

The Fellowship welcomes both those who believe in a higher power and those who do not. It asserts that no one has the authority to define the divine—or the absence of it—for another. Faith, skepticism, and uncertainty are equally valid positions in the search for meaning.

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Ethics Without Edicts

Morality should arise naturally from principles of non-aggression, personal responsibility, and voluntary cooperation, rather than from imposed commandments. Ethical living is a personal endeavor, guided by conscience rather than dictated rules.

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Self-Ownership Means Self-Accountability

With freedom comes responsibility. The Fellowship believes that every individual is accountable for their actions, choices, and the consequences thereof. Personal liberty does not absolve one from the duty of considering how their actions affect others in a free society.

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No Sacred Text, No Unquestionable Authority

The Fellowship does not adhere to any single sacred text or prophet. Instead, it values a diversity of thought, philosophical discourse, and historical wisdom. It rejects the notion of infallible authority, whether religious, governmental, or ideological.

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Non-Aggression as a Moral Imperative

The principle of non-aggression serves as a moral foundation. The initiation of force against another—whether physical, psychological, or coercive—is inherently unjust. Defense of oneself and one’s liberty, however, is a natural right.

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The Fellowship of the Free

Though fiercely individualistic, members of the Free Order Fellowship recognize the strength found in voluntary community. The Fellowship serves as a gathering space for those who wish to explore ideas, support one another, and build relationships based on mutual respect rather than imposed obligation.

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